Tuesday, February 17, 2009

force of habit

i am a lazy blogger.
i have a lot i could blog about, but i would rather just avoid typing about them.
i fear that i am becoming old and boring.
so while sitting in court thinking about how lazy i have become, i was playing with a rubber band.
arguments are going back and forth over a repeat offender.
we have a different judge sitting on the bench.
a court room full of people.
my bladder is full.
i am bad at blogging.
next thing i know, the rubber band goes flying out of my hands in the middle of a sheriff testifying to what he had witnessed.
i look around. i laugh at first, but realize i am being recorded. so i try to play it cool. making sure that no one really noticed my stupid move.

a voice in my head asks me when i am going to grow up... at that same time i take another rubber band and begin to play with it. i hope i still have some crunch berries.


{ s R e } said...

i hope you at least had the rubberband on your hand like you were shooting a gun. you know, where you wrap it around your thumb and shoot it off the end of your finger? then again, court would not be the best place to be pretending to shoot a gun, huh?

Chad Estes said...

"at that same time i take another rubber band and begin to play with it."