Wednesday, November 12, 2008

bad burgers and crazy dreams

i am not sure about the rest of america, but i had the day off yesterday. i honored our vets by staying home and doing nothing important. i spent most of the day laying around with jasper and eating. i felt very patriotic.

since i was home ang was able to go to the grocery store (some may be surprised that she trusts me alone with jasper, but he enjoys watching cartoons with his daddy).

she returned with wonderful food (cap'n crunch with crunch berries) and some that was not so wonderful.

she was trying to be a good wife and find foods that won't upset my tender tummy. yet, i am not sure veggie burgers are the best for that. i decided to try them. so i grilled them for dinner.

while i was grilling satan's burgers, james called to ask me some random questions about a job offer (different story... different blog). during the conversation i was able to get a good smell of the burgers. it wasn't a smell that i enjoyed. it kind of made me think about a nursing home. i mentioned what i was making and his response was "why?" . the more he and i talked about the burgers the more i realized that they were going to be nasty. i couldn't even tell when they were cooked .

i fixed angie's plate of food and apologized to jasper for what he was going to eat in a few hours. after trying to find things to cover the burger to make it taste better, i sat down to partake of the wonderful meal (not to act better than anyone, but angie started eating before we prayed), took a deep breath, opened wide, and took a bite.

it wasn't as bad as my mind had made it, but it wasn't good. i wasn't even able to finish this veggie burger.

now on to the dream:

i have been known to have some crazy dreams, but this one really beats anything else i have ever dreamed. i am somewhat nervous about even admitting this, but what the heck...

it started out with me behind stage and nervous (this happens often in my dreams. i am about to perform and i don't remember what i was going to sing). when the curtains opened i started to dance...

dear God i am a ballerina!

i am wearing the tights and everything. we move into the crowd and kept dancing. everything seemed to be going well. then the instructor looks back at me and asks...

"where's bowser?"

oh my goodness.... i am in mario bros. the ballet..

"you must be bowser!" the instructor screams...


that was the point where i woke up. it was one of the oddest dreams i have ever had.

i believe i will regret this blog.


Anonymous said...

i actually enjoy nightmares.

Unknown said...

that is why they call you the man of nightmares...

Anonymous said...

i could analyze your dream for you, if you wanted me to.

by the way- you pray before you eat? even before snacks? say you have a cow tail, do you pray before that? if not, wouldn't it be hypocritical?


Anonymous said...

couldn't you just say one big end of day prayer?


Unknown said...

you can analyze dreams? that would actually be kind of cool... i have weirder dreams than that!

i would never pray before i ate a cow tail. i have always called those satan's candy...

{ s R e } said...

hello, don't you know you had the bad dream because of the bad burger. eat another one tonight and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

maybe that's why I like them so much. what about a twinkie? do you pray before you eat a twinkie?

Anonymous said...

OK.. so I can top your dream with reality. If I have a picture, I will post the story on my blog in a few moments.

Be looking for it.